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Pozycja A US Army Officer – Commission, Service, and Professional Development: The Way Ahead for the Polish Armed Forces(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Klisz, MaciejCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie ścieżki rozwoju zawodowego kandydatów na oficerów w Wojskach Lądowych Sił Zbrojnych USA (ang. US Army), a także sposobów pełnienia służby w ramach US Army. Autor poddał analizie możliwości doskonalenia zawodowego podczas kursów oraz studiów zawodowych. W podsumowaniu zdefiniowano szereg słabych punktów w systemie rekrutacji i edukacji wojskowej w Polsce i zarekomendowano rozwiązania możliwe do wprowadzenia w Siłach Zbrojnych RP.Pozycja Bezpieczeństwo Teoria i Praktyka nr 3-4, 2009(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2009) Czaja, Jan; Jaworski, Michał; Kraj, Kazimierz; Ciechanowski, Grzegorz; Stańczyk, Jerzy; Żebrowski, Andrzej; Mielus, Magdalena; Plichta, Jarosław; Urban, Andrzej; Kosmaty, Piotr; Pepłoński, Andrzej; Służałek, Dominik; Докашенко, Віктор М.; Śliż, Małgorzata; Banach, Marian; Kraj, Kazimierz; Budzowski, KlemensPozycja Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka 2019, nr 3 (XXXVI) : Kształcenie w siłach zbrojnych w Polsce i na świecie w XXI wieku. Wybrane aspekty(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Kubiak, Krzysztof; Frącik, Krystian; Pawłuszko, Tomasz; Mickiewicz, Piotr; Mazurkiewicz, Agata; Baranowska, Aneta; Klisz, Maciej; Pieczywok, Andrzej; Siekiera, Joanna; Kukartseva (Glaser), Marina; Chertok, Michail; Kraj, Kazimierz; Tkach, Liudmyla; Kozioł, AleksandraZ wprowadzenia: "Gwałtowny postęp, który w XXI wieku objął tak wiele dziedzin życia, nie ominął także sfery wojskowej. Siły zbrojne przechodzą bardzo szybkie przemiany pod wpływem nowych osiągnięć naukowo-technicznych i poszukiwania najbardziej efektywnych sposobów ich wykorzystania nie tylko w czasie wojny, ale także pokoju i kryzysu. To wszystko stanowi duże wyzwanie dla twórców systemów kształcenia wojskowego, które należy zorganizować tak, by zapewniały siłom zbrojnym kadrę przygotowaną do sprostania współczesnym wymaganiom. Nie chodzi jedynie o naukę wykorzystania nowych rozwiązań, ale także o tak oczywiste kwestie, jak budowa zdolności przywódczych czy odporności na propagandę i dezinformację, aby nie powodowała ona olbrzymich konsekwencji dla morale kadry dowódczej i szeregowych żołnierzy. Biorąc to pod uwagę redaktorzy tomu, którzy zgodnie z dewizą periodyku starają się łączyć teorię i praktykę bezpieczeństwa, uznali, że warto jest przybliżyć różne aspekty kształcenia w siłach zbrojnych w Polsce i na świecie w XXI wieku."(...)Pozycja Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka 2022, nr 1 (XLVI): Security Strategies in Times of Uncertainty(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Molo, Beata; Kleinwächter, Lutz; Lapins, Wulf; Diec, Joachim; Jach, Anna; Pachucki-Włosek, Krystian; Kamola-Cieślik, Małgorzata; Paszkowski, Michał; Adamczyk, Natalia; Baziur, Grzegorz; Stępniewska-Szydłowska, Paulina; Tyborowska, Patrycja; Pradetto, August; Gärtner, Heinz; Kruk, Aleksandra; Grudzińska, Adrianna; Khmilevska, PolinaIntroduction: "We are pleased to present our readers with this recent issue of our journal “Security. Theory and Practice”. This time, it features a vast array of studies that look at issues related to security strategies. The Articles and Materials section opens with the article by Wulf Lapins, entitled EU-Strategien im Wandel von Zeit und Situation, which offers a synthetic approach to the developed and implemented strategies of the European Union. The paper by Joachim Diec Demography as a security strategy factor in Poland and the Russian Federation focuses on the perception of demographic security in Poland and Russia as a major facet of social and state security. The author concludes that the Polish political narrative and the declared set of state goals focus more on the social sphere, while the Russian rhetoric and politics are more state-oriented. The contemporary rebuilding of the sphere of influence of the Russian Federation, covering the area of the so-called “near abroad”, has been scrutinised by Anna Jach in her article A new “gathering of Russian lands”: Russia’s return to imperialism."(...)Pozycja Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka 2022, nr 4 (XLIX): Stress in uniformed services(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Ostrowska, Monika; Mazur, Sławomir; Janik, Krzysztof; Skowroński, Andrzej; Podlasiński, Cezary; Gut, Jerzy; Niedziela, Kamil; Mihalčová, Bohuslava; Pružinský, Michal; Osmólska, Iwona; Pruchniak, Józef; Stojecka-Zuber, Renata; Nowak, Zbigniew; Nagody-Mrozowicz, Kazimierz; Mrozowicz, Konstanty; Wojtycza, JanuszIntroduction: "The term stress has become very popular in recent years. Although widely used, it is still ambiguous. It is applied when referring to uncommon, traumatic events, but also with regard to everyday life situations and related experiences. The concept of stress is derived from the works of physiologist Walter Cannon and endocrinologist Hans Selye and concerns primarily biological stress considered in terms of reactions to present stimuli. Any symptoms of maladjustment or lack of adaptation are treated as indicators of stress. Cannon used the term stress to describe the ‘fight or flight’ response triggered to restore the disturbed balance of the body as a result of the activity of disruptive stimuli."(...)Pozycja Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka nr 4, 2013(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Grzywna, Zbigniew; Rajchel, Jan; Rurak, Adam; Gwizd, Przemysław; Pasella, Krzysztof; Wojtycza, Janusz; Zieliński, Marek; Budzowski, KlemensPozycja Combat stress within the Polish Armed Forces(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Ostrowska, Monika; Podlasiński, CezaryThe military forces usually conjure up the image of soldiers who serve in a given country, or those who carry out their duties in peacekeeping missions. They are frequently in the spotlight during their stay in the area of their operations and the performance of their duties. The memories of them and of any of the possible problems that they may encounter usually fade away once they have gone back to their country, or once they have returned to their parent unit. Interestingly, this rule also applies to other members of the military personnel. Service in the army, which frequently implies exposure to atrocities and ongoing hostilities, undoubtedly leaves its mark on people’s physical and mental health, and it can also have a major impact on the lives of professional soldiers and their families. Paradoxically, the level of stress experienced increases as the sense of a real threat goes down. Being a soldier is one of those professions in which exposure to stress is high, and there is a major risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), especially in those members of the armed forces who have taken part in foreign missions. This paper looks at the historical background of the phenomenon, its symptoms, its methods of diagnosis, as well as the entire system of monitoring, supporting and treating post-traumatic stress in the Polish Armed Forces. Such a study has been possible thanks to a thorough analysis of the applicable pieces of legislation, backed by an insight into a series guidelines, orders and dispositions given at all levels of command and supervision in the army.Pozycja Defence policy of the Republic of Poland in the face of Russian aggression against Ukraine(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Adamczyk, NataliaAs a consequence of Russia’s aggressive actions – initially with regard to the annexation of Crimea, and the beginning of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014 – many European Union countries have revised their current security and defence policies. The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, initiated on 24 February 2022, only strengthened this tendency. For Poland, one of NATO’s major eastern flank states, the need to improve the management of national security that corresponds to the challenges and threats that lie ahead has become self-evident. The goal of this article is to look at the assumptions of the defence policy of the Republic of Poland, and to evaluate the country’s defence potential based on the implemented modernisation schemes.Pozycja Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe nr 4, 2007 (Polska i Niemcy wobec wyzwań bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego XXI wieku)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2007) Zięba, Ryszard; Lasoń, Marcin; Zięba, Aleksandra; Stolarczyk, Mieczysław; Mickiewicz, Piotr; Koszel, Bogdan; Chorośnicki, Michał; Sieg, Hans Martin; Sokołowski, Adam; Zając, Justyna; Pradetto, August; Czarny, Ryszard M.; Cziomer, Erhard; Molo, Beata; Paterek, Anna; Cziomer, ErhardPozycja Opportunities to increase Poland’s defence capacity through in-service training for teachers of military preparation units(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Urych, Ilona; Leśniewski, ZbigniewThe substantial re-education of the Polish Armed Forces has necessitated replenishment of the number of reserve personnel. To this end, new forms of short military training for volunteers have been introduced, in line with the objective that within the next few years the number of soldiers and civilian employees of the military will initially exceed 200,000, and later 300,000. The aim of this article is to analyse the possibilities of increasing Poland’s defence capacity through in-service training for teachers of military preparation units. The research included analysis of the literature on the subject of military education classes in Poland, as well as the study of regulatory documents in the area under consideration. Theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis and inference were also applied. The study presented here includes an account of the origins of the military preparation units and a description of the features of the in-service training for teachers of those units, conducted at the War Studies University.